Dear Crynet clients, we are happy to introduce 1inch, a leading DEX aggregator backed by Binance! As a Marketing Agency, we are happy to support such a promising project and assist its marketing and PR campaign worldwide.
Just few words about 1inch peculiarities:
· 1inch is a decentralized exchange aggregator that sources liquidity from various DEXes, splitting swaps across multiple routes. As a result, users get the best possible rates on swaps in the shortest possible time.
· 1inch has partnerships with top players in the crypto space, such as Binance.
· The main highlights of 1inch’s recently released v.2 are Pathfinder, an API with a new discovery algorithm, and an intuitive, user-friendly UI. Thanks to the improvements, users’ losses from price impact and the probability of failed transactions have been dramatically reduced.
Key differences between 1inch and other DEX aggregators are:
1. unique algorithm that uses smart contract technology to split a single trade transaction across multiple DEXs — enabling users to optimize and customize trades;
2. high amount of liquidity sources;
3. 1INCH account for gas and transaction costs in determining the best trading paths;
4. the Chi GasToken which lowers the cost of the trades on 1inch
Just few words about 1inch team:
Sergej Kunz: CEO and co-founder of 1inch. He started to study programming while he was 14. His professional experience is around 15 years of software engineering, architecture and security. In 2007, he started his first own business in the field of telecommunication aggregation and software development, and for the last couple of years was working for Porsche AG. At the moment he is focused on 1inch development only.
Anton Bukov: CTO and co-founder of 1inch. He has been involved in software development since 2002, for 7 years achieved strong C++ skills, for 5 years became an experienced iOS developer, worked deep with network stack of protocols, algorithms, compilers, disassemblers, profilers, and etc. Right now is enchanted by blockchain crypto technologies and interested in consensus problem solutions for crypto projects. Besides 1inch, also serve as a core developer at NEAR protocol. He built the ETH-NEAR Rainbow Bridge launched earlier this year.
Future 1inch Ambitions:
· Aim to continue to innovate and benefit the DeFi and Open Finance world in as many ways as we can. Look out for more 1inch community initiatives to come.
· According to our estimates, by the end of 2020 1inch should account for up to 70% of the overall DEX market, as for the users it will be much easier to swap tokens via our platform then to check bids on all the different protocols and pools manually. And in 2021 1inch is going to be ready to compete with centralized exchanges for users who swap assets a few times a day.
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